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"Where words leave off, music begins." - Heinrich Heine

Kurt Weill

Kurt Weill was a German composer, active from the 1920s in his native country, and in his later years in the United States. He was a leading composer for the stage who was best known for his fruitful collaborations with Bertolt Brecht. With Brecht, he developed productions such as his best-known work The Threepenny Opera, which included the ballad "Mack the Knife".
Weill held the ideal of writing music that served a socially useful purpose. He also wrote several works for the concert hall. He became a United States citizen on August 27, 1943.

Featured on

Various composers
LICHT! 800 Years of German Lied
Anna Lucia Richter | Ammiel Bushakevitz
Various composers
Entartete Musik
Vlaams Radiokoor
Inviting | Jazz Thing Next Generation Vol. 98
Karoline Weidt Quartet
Various composers
Dirty Minds
Olivia Vermeulen / Jan Philip Schulze
Various composers
September Songs
Thomas Allen
Various composers
Roaring Twenties
Calefax / Cora Burggraaf
Various composers
You'd Be Surprised: Songs of Love and Laughter
Barbara Kennedy / Peter Lockwood